The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye

Five Fairy Stories

by A. S. Byatt
read June 2002
reviewed 2002-06-12

If you like storytelling, if you enjoy Italo Calvino or Borges or Neil Gaiman, you will love this little book of tales. Each is a perfect little postmodern fairy-tale, charming, frightening or enlightening. The tone is illustrated nicely by the Tale of the Eldest Princess, who, realizing she is in a story and not liking the role she is playing (“I do not want to be the princess who fails and must be rescued” and she cries), decides, after much reflection and with the brusque encouragement of a dangerous guide, to leave the road and abandon the story and create her own. Along the way she sees sometimes an old woman walking behind her, or ahead of her on the path. Much later she learns that there is always an old woman ahead of you or behind you… and I’m sure she will someday be the old woman to another young woman who chooses to make her own path.

Should be savored in small doses.

short story fantasy literature fairy tales